6.2.7 - SUI Sliders

A slider in SUI is defined as SSlider. To create a slider we add it to a panel or container as usual.

For it to work we need to use the .Notify method passing a method (action) which takes a float parameter like so:

public static void Create()
    var panel = RegisterNewPanel("panel id", true).Anchor(AnchorType.MiddleCenter).Background(Color.blue, EBackground.RoundedStandard).Size(1280, 720);
    var container = SContainer.Background(Color.green).Anchor(AnchorType.Fill)
                        - SSlider.Text("Slider").Notify(PrintSlider); // passing a method which takes a float parameter


private static void PrintSlider(float number) // receiving the slider value
    RLog.Msg(number); // printing the slider value

Now, whenever we change the value of the slider, the PrintSlider method will be called.

Slider in container

Setting a range

To set a range of min and max value of the slider we can use the .Range method like so:

SSlider.Text("Slider").Range(0, 10).Notify(PrintSlider); // slider with a range of 0 to 10

Setting decimal precision

To change how many numbers are after comma we can use the .Format method like so:

SSlider.Text("Slider").Format("0.0").Notify(PrintSlider); // slider with just one number after comma using the "Format" method

Setting slider step value

To change how much the value of the slider should change when dragging it we can use the .Step method like so:

SSlider.Text("Slider").Step(0.5f).Notify(PrintSlider); // number will increase by 0.5 each step

We can also make it of type integer using the .IntStep method, so it will ignore decimals:

SSlider.Text("Slider").IntStep().Notify(PrintSlider); // skipping decimal values